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CPAP Resources


Now that you have a Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (or CPAP) machine, here are a few resources you'll need.

CPAP Therapy Troubleshooting Guide




Air Pressure feels too high or too low

Air pressure is set incorrectly

Email Dallas Sleep to check pressure settings

Air pressure settings may need adjustment for comfort

Schedule an appointment with Dallas Sleep

Air from the machine is too hot

Temperature setting on the humidifier is too high or the temperature in the room is too hot

Lower the setting on humidifier, lower temperature in the room, or use heated tubing to enable constant temperature and humidity control

Tubing under the blanket

Keep the tubing above the blanket

Dirty filters

Clean or replace filters

Air from the machine is too cold

Room temperature is too low

Place tubing (if standard) under blankets, increase room temperature, or use heated tubing for constant temperature control

Rainout/moisture inside the mask

Water level too high in the water tub

Lower water level if above max point

Heated air is cooling inside the tubing

Use heated tubing or use tubing wrap

Dry mouth or nose

The flow from the CPAP is drying the membranes

Increase humidifier settings or use heated tube for comfort

Dry mouth

Switch to a full face mask if already using a nasal. Call your DME supplier for full face mask options

Eye irritation

Mask may be leaking air into your eyes

Adjust your mask or headgear

Mouth falls open during sleep

High pressure levels or mouth breather

Use a chin strap or call your DME supplier for full face mask options

Air leaks around the mask

Mask not fitting properly/wrong size

Call your DME supplier

Sore on forehead or bridge of nose

Inappropriate fitting mask

Call your DME supplier

Wrong size mask

Call your DME supplier

Headgear too tight

Loosen headgear

Initial symptoms worsen or reappear (snoring, daytime sleepiness, etc.)

Weight gain

Schedule an appointment with Dallas Sleep

Pressure setting incorrect

Schedule an appointment with Dallas Sleep
No pressure/ flow from machinePower cord may be disconnected from machine OR no power to outletPlug power cord into grounded outlet and try another outlet
Equipment malfunctionCall your DME supplier

To contact Dallas Sleep,
Email us:

CPAP and Supplies Cleaning Schedule




CPAP Mask or Nasal Pillows


Wash your face before putting on your mask each night. Mask should be washed daily with warm soapy water and rinsed well. Allow to air dry on towel.

Humidifier Chamber


Always fill with distilled water before using. Chamber should be washed daily with warm soapy water and rinsed well. Allow to dry on towel.



Once every week wash the tube with warm soapy water and rinse well. Allow to air dry.

Humidifier Chamber


Wash with warm soapy water and rinse well. Soak in 1 part vinegar to 3 parts water for 30 minutes. Rinse well and allow to dry on a towel.



Hand wash in warm soapy water and rinse well. Allow to air dry.

Exterior of Machine


Wipe with a damp cloth.

Disposable Filter


Do not wash – replace white disposable filter every month!

CPAP Resupply Eligibility (for most insurance, please check with yours to verify)



Full face mask and headgear

Every 6 months

Full face cushion replacement

Every 1 month

Nasal mask and headgear

Every 6 months

Nasal cushion replacement

Every 1 month (Medicare = 2 per month)

Nasal pillow mask and headgear

Every 6 months

Nasal pillow replacement

Every 1 month (Medicare = 2 per month)


Every 6 months


Every 3 months


Every 1 month (Medicare = 2 per month)

Water Chamber

Medicare = Every 6 months

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